Before & After

For our example we have placed the “before & after shots” together for better comparison. First off we started with the How-To Geek logo.

Note: Does not display the original URL behind shortened URLs.

Next we moved on to a permanently linked article title.

The “Reviews Tab” in the How-To Geek website toolbar.

The article tags listing just beneath the HTG website toolbar.

And the link for subscribing to our RSS Feed. In each instance you could actually see the address behind the links.

The Tooltip Plus extension will also help out with images in webpages (including “Alt Text” if present). Notice that the link for the image is now available for you to view.


The options are extremely simple to work with. Decide if you want a document icon to display, the size of the icon, and if you would like “Alt Text” for images to be displayed or not.


The Tooltip Plus extension does one thing and does it very well…it gives you that extra bit of information when you need it.


Download the Tooltip Plus extension (Mozilla Add-ons)