
Usually when you copy a link in a webpage you do not have much in the way of options to work with in the “Context Menu”. What if you could choose from multiple formats when you copy that link?


Once you have installed the extension you can immediately start enjoying the ability to choose the “copy format” that best suits your needs. This is certainly much better than the “single” choice from before…

For the first of our examples we chose to copy and paste only the text for the link itself…

Then we copied and pasted the link using the “HTML Link” format. Looking good…

Next we tried the “Plain Text” format. All the information that we needed without any of the “link pre-formatting”.

For our final example we decided to try the “BB Code” format. Once again very nice…


The only time that you should need to go into the options is if you need to make any changes for the “Context Menu Listings”, modify a pre-existing format, or would like to add a new format.

If you would like to personalize one of the pre-existing formats…simply click on and select the format that you would like to modify and then click on “Edit” to open an “Editing Window”.

Once you have clicked on “Edit” you will see the following window. Here you can choose to rename your “Menu Labels” and/or change the style/layout for each “Format”. Notice the list of variables in the lower part of the window…you can use these as a guide to modify the pre-existing formats or in the creation of new personalized formats.

Note: Clicking on “Add…” will bring up the same small window where you will need to fill in the details for “Menu Label & Format”.


If you have been looking for an easier way to transfer links to your blogs, e-mails, and documents then this “little time saving” extension will be your new best friend.


Download the CoLT extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the CoLT extension (Extension Homepage)