Regular Size Icons Before & After

Once you have the extension installed the only decision that you will need to make is whether to use the regular or small size icons.

Here you can see a noticeable difference in the amount of space taken up before…

And after installing the extension. You can also see that the vertical space has been condensed…look closely at the bottom of the “Menu Bar” in comparison to the gray “divider bar” beneath it.

Small Size Icons Before & After

Perhaps you like using the small size icons and wonder if there would be much difference.

As before space has been condensed horizontally and vertically. Compare this “After Screenshot” to the “Before Screenshot” using the regular size icons above…you can definitely see the difference.


If you are continually looking for additional ways to reduce the UI in Firefox, then this extension will certainly be helpful to you.


Download the Compact Toolbar (Compact Icons) extension (Mozilla Add-ons)