Note: A bookmarklet version is available at the TidyRead Homepage for use in Firefox & non-Firefox browsers.


As an example we chose one of the webpages here at the site to show what can be done using TidyRead. The “Before Look”…


As soon as you have installed the extension you will see a vast difference in the appearance of online articles. Here is the article shown above with the default settings for TidyRead in effect.

Here is a closer look at the “Toolbar” at the top. Notice the tiny “red symbols” displayed in the various categories…they serve as an indicator of the setting in effect at the moment for each category.

The “Right Click Menu” for the “Status Bar Icon”…

Note: There is a “Toolbar Button” available for those who prefer using it over the “Status Bar Icon”.

With just a couple of clicks you can really change the appearance of the entire article.

Yet another example set at a narrow width with a dark background.

Perhaps the choices available are not exactly what you were looking for but that is easy to fix. Click on the “my Button” to access the custom settings and choose the colors you like best.

If you want to change additional items such as the font or text alignment just use the “More Menu”. You can also use the menu to print the article too.


If you do decide to print the article the entire thing will shift to the left side of your browser once you click on “Print” in the “More Menu”.

Here is the “Print Preview” for the article shown above…no need to worry about the colored background trying to print out as well.


If desired you can change the automatic display settings for TidyRead.

You may also adjust the types of webpages that TidyRead will be active on, the keyboard shortcut, and the operational modes.

Note: The other two “Options Areas” allow you to set custom lists for “always or never displaying” particular webpages.


If you prefer using a custom display for reading webpages and articles then TidyRead will definitely be a welcome addition to your favorite browser.


Download the TidyRead extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the TidyRead extension or bookmarklet (TidyRead Homepage)