When you click OK, iTunes still launches normally, and we were able to play and import CDs just fine…but the error is quite annoying.

How to Fix It

To fix it, head over to the Gear Software website and download the latest version of the Gear drivers for 32 & 64-bit iTunes.

Make sure you’re closed out of iTunes and install it as administrator.

Then run through the quick wizard accepting the defaults.

You shouldn’t need to reboot your system and when you open iTunes, the Setup Assistant Warning should no longer appear, and iTunes will open as normal.

This is how we solved the error with iTunes 10.1 running on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit version. If you’re running an earlier version of iTunes or on a different version of Windows, your results may vary.

In older versions of iTunes sometimes you would need to go in and make some adjustments to some Registry settings, but we just installed the Gear driver as Admin and it solved the problem for us.

Have you needed to fix this error before? Leave us a comment and let us know how you did it.

Download Gear Driver