Accessing CookieKiller

Once you have installed the extension there are two ways to access CookieKiller. The first is through the “Status Bar Icon”…here you can see the small “Right Click Menu”…

If you left click on the “Status Bar Icon” you will see a current list of the cookies for your browser. Clicking on any particular cookie listing will remove that cookie from your browser. Notice the three commands at the top…

The second way to access CookieKiller is through the “Context Menu”. As with the “Status Bar Icon” you are presented with an identical current cookie list.

CookieKiller in Action

For our example we decided to use the “Status Bar Icon” to delete cookies. By clicking on the “” listing we were also able to delete the “sub-cookie” (indented listing).

Reopening the list shows both entries are gone.

Doing a refresh of our example page added the cookies back for our next test. This time we decided to eliminate all the cookies at once by clicking on the “Kill All Cookies” listing…

Total cookie elimination…

If you have the “Cookie Block Feature” enabled you will see a “dotted square outline” around the “Status Bar Icon”.



The settings are easy to sort through…simple select or deselect any of the options that you do or do not want active. Notice that you can enable permanent blocking of removed cookies if desired.


If you have been looking for a simple easy-access way to deal with cookies in your browser, then you will want to take a closer look at this extension.


Download the CookieKiller extension (Mozilla Add-ons)