
If you have a webpage that you like to watch throughout the day but have a very busy desktop then Firefox can get lost in all of the clutter.

Note: You can read about the ReloadEvery extension here.

Even with a widescreen monitor sometimes there is just not enough room to keep everything in easy view while you are working on something.

Always on Top in Action

Once you have installed the extension you will notice that a new Toolbar Button has automatically been added to your Navigation Toolbar. At the moment this is the only on/off switch for the extension.

Clicking on the Toolbar Button will enable Always on Top and the button will change to a blue color to indicate its’ active status. Click on it again to disable it.

Do anything that you like in the other windows…Firefox will still be the topmost window and easy to view.


The Always on Top extension was made to do just one thing and it does it very well…keeping your Firefox window on top. Being able to turn it on or off without digging through a bunch of menus adds that extra level of convenience.


Download the Always on Top extension (Mozilla Add-ons)