
Usually if you want a screenshot of a webpage you can only capture the visible area within the browser window…

Getting the entire webpage as pieces or editing all those pieces into one larger pic is enough to frustrate anyone. But there is a much easier and quicker way to do it.


Once you have installed the extension you are ready to go…right click anywhere within the webpage and select “Save Page As Image…”.

You will notice that the entire webpage will be “shaded over” and there will be a “yellow area” where you right clicked. The “yellow area” is a starting point for whatever type of screenshot you wish to take. You will also see a temporary “toolbar” at the top of the webpage with a “Save Button”.

You can easily resize the “yellow area” just like you would with a regular app window that is not maximized…

The “yellow area” can also be moved or repositioned very easily…

Perhaps you just need the whole page at once…double left click in the webpage area and the entire webpage is selected for the screenshot. All that you will need to do once you have the desired area selected is click on the “Save Button”.

The images will be saved in a .png format…

Here is the screenshot that we took of the webpage open in Paint.NET at 66%…that is a nice sized screenshot at almost 6,800 pixels in length.


If you have been needing a quick and easy way to get screenshots of webpages, then it just does not get any easier than this. The Abduction! extension is definitely a recommended add-on for Firefox.


Download the Abduction! extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

Download the Abduction! extension (Extension Homepage)