It was more than two years ago that we first highlighted DisplayFusion as a great way to put more than one wallpaper on each of your desktops, and since then the software has continued to improve with full support for Windows 7 taskbars and Aero.

DisplayFusion, the Free Version

Arguably the best feature in DisplayFusion is the ability to put more than one wallpaper on your each of your multiple monitors, but you can also span a single wallpaper across the entire desktop, and size them different ways to make them fit.

You can also use the built-in wallpaper browser to pull in images from Flickr or Vladstudio.

You can then browse through and find a wallpaper that you like, and assign it to the desktop.

There’s an enormous amount of hotkeys that are built right in:

And you can add buttons to the window title bar for various functions, like moving windows from one monitor to the other. (Limited to 1 button for the free version)

For instance, here I’ve added a button that moves the window to the next monitor.

It’s an extremely useful software, but the best part is that you can just download and use all these features (and more) for free. 

Pro Edition Features

The Pro edition adds more functionality—you can add more buttons to the title bars, do a little more configuring with the hotkeys (or add new hotkeys), or the most interesting feature: Add a Taskbar on each monitor!

The taskbar isn’t identical to the Windows 7 one, but it does look very similar, and even includes mouse-over hover previews. Unfortunately the previews don’t seem to do Aero Peek yet, but one can only assume that feature will be coming eventually.

The Pro edition also adds the ability to rotate between wallpaper images, either on your computer, or from Flickr or Vladstudio.


The Rules (Important!)

So you want a copy of the Pro version? We have FIVE copies to give away, and we’ll be selecting them randomly from the comments. Here’s what you have to do:

Grab yourself a free copy of DisplayFusion (you can get a free trial of Pro if you want, or stick with the free one). Leave a comment explaining one (or more) thing you like about the software, and one thing you think could be improved. Be sure to use your real email address. To cut down on accidental spam filtering, include the keyword DisplayFusion in your comment. We will announce the winners in the weekly roundup, so you have a couple of days to participate.

Make sure that your comment includes something you like, and something you don’t like. If you don’t think it can be improved, say that, but if you completely hate it, maybe leaving a comment is a waste of time =)

Download DisplayFusion (Free or Pro) from